Columbia Office (803) 318-2811
Columbia Office (803) 318-2811
If you're ready to achieve your weight loss goals and experience the benefits of innovative solutions like Semaglutide and MIC Boosting Injections, we're here to help. Schedule a complimentary consultation today to learn more about our medical weight loss program. At the forefront of Hormone Replacement Therapy, we provide customized bioidentical hormones derived from nature that harmonize with your body's chemistry. Our range of options, including injections and topical gels, caters to diverse needs, from boosting energy and mood through testosterone replacement to alleviating women's hormonal imbalances. Reclaim your vitality and well-being; contact us today for a personalized consultation and a healthier, more fulfilling life. Contact Forest Acres Well Care in Columbia, SC, today at (803) 318-2811.
Bio-identical, natural hormones have the same biochemical structure as the human body produces. These plant-derived, natural hormones are then chemically changed to mirror human hormones. Because they are not artificial molecules designed by pharmaceutical companies, they cannot be patented. Bioidentical hormones are available through compounding pharmacies as explicitly ordered by a doctor. They are also available in many forms, including capsules, sublingual tablets, drops, creams, patches, injections, and subcutaneous pellets. The choice of delivery method often depends on the individual patient's needs, and some methods can be more effective than others.
Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone vital for energy levels, libido, mood, muscle growth, fat loss, and sleep quality. Testosterone levels decrease in men as they age, but it is not just a problem for older adults. That process can begin as early as 25-30, and levels will continue to decrease by 1-2% yearly. The parameters for an average testosterone level are vast, so even men whose testosterone levels fall within a normal range can benefit significantly from testosterone replacement therapy.
If you're experiencing a decrease in energy, loss of muscle mass, increase in body fat, mood swings, loss of motivation, or decreased libido, call today to schedule a consultation with a medical professional so that we can assist you in optimizing your hormone levels to enable you to live a more full and healthy life.
Our treatment options for Testosterone Replacement Therapy are intramuscular injections and topical gels. Injections are done at home 1-2 times per week. Gels come in a metered dose pump and are applied daily to the skin.
Hormonal imbalances commonly occur in women as part of the aging process. That often starts around the age of 35. Bioidentical hormones are chemically the same as what the ovaries make during youth. That typically involves a combination of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, all of which are essential factors in relieving the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. Whether you suffer from low energy, weight gain, insomnia, decreased libido, or premenstrual symptoms, we can assist you in optimizing your hormone levels to enable you to live the life you desire. Our treatment options for hormone replacement include topical creams, oral tablets, and injectable medications.
Bloodwork is additional and may be covered by your insurance
Starting at $100
Bloodwork is additional and may be covered by your insurance
Contact us to schedule a complimentary consultation and discover which peptide therapy is right for you.