Forest Acres Well Care

Columbia Office (803) 318-2811

Get to Know the Team At Forest Acres Well Care

Gokul Gondi, MD

Dr. Gondi is an Anesthesiologist practicing with Anesthesiology Professionals of Columbia LLC in South Carolina. He graduated from the University of South Carolina in 2004, completed his internship with the University of Kentucky, and his residency and fellowship with the University of Texas Health Sciences in San Antonio. He is a member of the Columbia Medical Society and the South Carolina Medical Association, among many other professional societies. He offers the most effective and advanced care for each patient individually to provide the most comfortable experience. As the Medical Director of Forest Acres Well Care, Dr. Gondi supports the growing regenerative medicine field and provides services at our premier wellness center. 

Matt Vanderlugt, PA-C

Matt Vanderlugt has been a Board-Certified Physician Assistant since 2016. He has worked primarily on primary care but has a passion and wealth of knowledge in orthopedics, nutrition, and men's health, specifically hormone replacement therapy. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from Augusta University. He earned a Master's in Physician Assistant Studies from the Interservice Physician Assistant Program through the University of Nebraska Medical College in 2016. He retired from the Army after serving 21 years, the last eight as a physician assistant. Matt is passionate about human performance and believes that one's quality of life can be optimized through properly balanced hormones, proper nutrition, exercise, and supplementation.

Ryan Shannon, PA-C

Ryan Shannon is a dedicated healthcare professional with over six years of experience in delivering high quality, compassionate care. Ryan earned a Master's in Physician Assistant Studies from the Interservice Physician Assistant Program (IPAP) through the University of Nebraska Medical College in 2018.  He is still active duty military and has served 14 years in the Army. Committed to a holistic approach and a strong background in healthcare services, Ryan creates tailored plans that support both physical and mental well-being. He is truly passionate about assisting patients in improving their quality of life.

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