Forest Acres Well Care

Columbia Office (803) 318-2811

Unlock the Potential of Peptides to Enhance Your Wellness, Recovery, and Healing

Peptides are small proteins that send signals to cause other actions throughout the body and are part of almost every biological action. Nearly 300,000 peptides are produced naturally in the human body. They are vital in many essential wellness aspects, including sleep, fat loss, muscle growth, inflammation and healing, gut health, and immune function. Contact Forest Acres Well Care in Columbia, SC, today at (803) 318-2811 for more information.

Peptides We Offer

Growth Hormone Peptide- Sermorelin

The primary function of human growth hormone (HGH) is to help control the reproduction and growth of our cells. HGH levels start to decline around the age of 30, which can cause fatigue, increased fat retention, loss of muscle mass, and emotional distress. Growth hormone secretagogues stimulate our pituitary glands to produce HGH, which can have the following benefits:

Increased energy, decreased body fat, lean muscle mass, cartilage and nerve repair, improved sleep, bone strengthening, excellent immune system function, muscular heart health, and libido.


Promotes rapid healing throughout the body by activating growth hormone receptors in injured areas, increasing type 1 collagen, and promoting the formation of new blood vessels, allowing oxygen and essential nutrients to reach areas of inflammation. It is a migratory peptide, which means it travels to inflammation sites. It is an excellent option for arthritis, tendinitis, ligament sprains, and skin wounds. It has also benefited patients with Crohn’s, peptic ulcer, and other GI tract inflammatory diseases.


A peptide used to improve sexual wellness. Erectile dysfunction medications, like Viagra, work locally to improve blood flow to cause an erection, whereas PT-141 works through your central nervous system. It binds to melanocortin receptors, which travel to your brain, sending signals to increase arousal, desire, and sexual satisfaction. Due to PT-141, acting through the central nervous system can be effective for men and women who struggle with sexual dysfunction.


A coenzyme that plays a critical role in our health by converting nutrients into energy through metabolism. NAD occurs naturally in our bodies, but levels naturally decrease with age and are about half what they are in younger persons by age 50. It can aid in preventing age-related disease by deactivating genes that accelerate aging. Evidence shows that it may lower the risk of atherosclerosis, depression, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease. NAD can increase energy levels, improve mood, quicken post-workout recovery, and improve mental clarity and focus.

Peptides Prices

We Offer Complimentary Consultations!

First Peptide         


Additional Peptides


Begin Your Journey Towards Optimized Health Today

Contact us to schedule a complimentary consultation and discover which peptide therapy is right for you.

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